Wir sind umgezogen! Unsere neue Adresse ab dem 8. November ist Contactweg 62, 1014 BW Amsterdam

Event Hamburg 20 up

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On the Monday the 21st of April the first Middle Point Hamburg event took place at a special location.

Boasting spectacular views of the river Elbe and port, this elegant Skyline Bar "20up" is a very special place. Situated on the 20th floor of the hotel, here we have experienced a unique sunset and enjoyed drinks at the same time.

Our employees, working at several Hamburg based companies, gathered to join us on this Monday evening for drinks and bites. As it was days prior Andreas Birthday we opened a bottle of Champagne to celebrate his ‘Geburtstag’. It was a great moment to get to know the people better and enjoy the stories exchanged. Funny to hear some people already knew each other through former employers and even, without knowing, people from different companies working on the same project.


Stattliche niederländische Gebäude

Working culture in the Netherlands

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Have you relocated to the Netherlands for a new job opportunity and you don't know what to expect? Continue reading for a guide to the Dutch working culture

Die Markthalle in Rotterdam

Things to do in Rotterdam

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If you work in the maritime industry, chances are you have heard from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. At Middle Point we want to help you out by giving you a small guide to visiting the city! Here are our tips to make the most out of your visit to this emblematic city.

Holländische Windmühlen

Dutch phrases and idioms

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Sayings or proverbs are phrases that have been passed down from generation to generation and have a hidden moral or teaching. We have made a small compilation of our favorite Dutch proverbs translated to English and their meanings and origins.