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Women in Engineering Day: celebrating Camila's Success

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Today, we commemorate Women in Engineering Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and honoring the incredible contributions of women in the engineering field. It is a time to celebrate the achievements, resilience, and trailblazing spirit of women who have made their mark in traditionally male-dominated industries.

We had the pleasure to speak with Camila, a professional working in the Oil and Gas industry. She currently holds a position at SBM. Camila's role as a safety and loss prevention engineer is crucial in ensuring accident-free operations, focusing on mitigating potential risks such as fire and explosions.

We had the pleasure to speak with Camila, a professional working in the Oil and Gas industry. She currently holds a position at SBM. Camila's role as a safety and loss prevention engineer is crucial in ensuring safe operations, focusing on preventing potential risks such as fire and explosions.

When discussing the female-male ratio, Camila mentioned she is fortunate to have two female leads at SBM and a female manager in her previous job position. Challenging the notion that women should compete against each other, Camila believes in fostering an environment of support and encouragement. Encouraging women not to hesitate in asking questions, even when they fear being wrong! She emphasizes the importance of being open to making mistakes while still maintaining confidence in one's abilities. Empowering herself and her female colleagues is a priority for Camila. She actively supports her colleagues in overcoming self-doubt, encouraging them to let go of unnecessary apologies and embrace their potential.

She believes in the power of mentorship. Camila's own mentor has played a significant role in inspiring and guiding her throughout her career.

She quotes: “if a woman complains about something, she complains too much. It is always too much when in reality I am just very straight to the point” She recognizes the societal expectations that often place unfair burdens on women, making it essential for women to band together, offer understanding, and dismantle the labels assigned to them.

When discussing the role of men as allies, Camila emphasizes that companies should foster an inclusive culture where everyone is treated equally. She believes in the importance of setting boundaries, demanding respect, and calling out any instances of inappropriate behavior. By challenging biases and encouraging respectful interactions, men can contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive work environment.

Looking towards the future, Camila expresses optimism for the next generation. She observes positive changes already taking place, with younger women speaking up more confidently than ever before. Camila encourages the next generation not to hold back, to speak up confidently, and to embrace their power to effect change.

We are proud to support individuals like Camila in their professional endeavors and invite you to explore the exciting opportunities available with us. Take a look at our vacancies and who knows, maybe you will be on the spotlight next. 

Together, we can shape a more inclusive future where all achievements are celebrated! Let's celebrate the remarkable women who continue to shape the future of engineering and inspire the next generation of trailblazers! 


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