5 reasons NOT to work at Middle Point

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Middle Point’s purpose is linked to the people we cooperate with and since the beginning we have been striving for a win-win-win situation for everyone involved. Our team is characterized by its determination and integrity as we take responsibility and walk our talk by being honest and by overcoming challenges to deliver on our promises. From the recruitment team until our payroll, we are committed to support our candidates and our clients in a way that ensures that everyone we work with, feels at home and safe to express themselves.

When it comes to selecting people for our team, we make sure that these values are shared, so that there are no surprises along the way. So if you consider joining our team, we thought of letting you know in advance some of our pitfalls:

1. Je wil alleen Nederlands spreken.

If you only want to speak Dutch, this is not the place for you. Middle Point is proud for its diverse and multicultural team. We have over 13 nationalities working in the team, so be prepared to become a member of this cultural melting pot.

Not only our team is international, but the professionals we work with are too. Middle Point is specialized in international recruitment and as Recruiters, the world is our playing field.

2. You strongly believe that recruitment is just sales

In contrast with many other recruitment agencies, Middle Point is a people driven organization. Our candidates come first, and we assist them in starting their new life along with taking the next step in their careers. We gather our forces to support them especially when it comes to relocating and we treat our candidates & their families in a way that they feel at home with us.

Care and integrity have become Middle Point’s DNA, since as values they have been consistently present since the company’s birth. Having said that, we expect from everyone joining our course to go by these two.

3. Broodje kaas for lunch is your thing and you think that cookie monster is just an ugly troll

At Middle Point we take food seriously, as we have a cook who daily prepares a highly satisfying and healthy warm lunch in buffet style. It’s not that we do not have a broodje kaas, but who can resist to his cooking?

A good & warm lunch makes us feel at Home and this is why we enjoy sitting all together in our canteen. But this is not all: we like to share the goodies, so we will regularly invite our network to join & enjoy lunch together. And let us tell you a secret: our clients love the jar full of fresh cookies made by Ray, our cook.

PS: these are hands down some of the best cookies we have ever enjoyed! Just our humble opinion… :-p

4. You support Mick Jagger without the Rolling Stones…

Teamwork makes the dreamwork and in every successful band, everyone plays an important role in the walk of fame! Does it sound enough cliché? You bet right 😉

At Middle Point we believe and embody teamwork. We share ideas, insights, clients, candidates, vacancies, etc. Since our goal is to be the first & the best, but also to create a win-win-win situation for all parties involved, our experience shows that only by cooperating we can have the wished result.

We will of course celebrate individual success, we will encourage a light competition, but we will also ensure a fair playing field for the sake of the team’s success. By sharing with each other our knowledge, experience, and network, we facilitate the realization of beautiful dreams.

5. Your recruitment style looks more like a checklist of requirements.

Once you start working at Middle Point, you get to know how ships are designed, engineered, and built. Why? Because we are experts in the recruitment of maritime engineers in the Netherlands & Germany, two of the most important countries in the shipbuilding engineering market. By becoming specialists, we can better serve our candidates and clients efficiently, we can understand the needs and consult them as a trusted partner.

As a recruiter, you are almost forced to dive deep into the engineering field, learn about the differences or similarities between the boats and how those would influence the result. So yes, in the end, you will also laugh at jokes like ; “my colleague is a Structural Engineer. He always complains about stress at work”.🤓

We wonder if any of the above were part of who you are. Because if this is the case, probably Middle Point is not for you.If, though, you not only got shivers by reading the statements, but also you liked this type of humor, then we would love to hear from you because it might be a match. 

At the moment we are hiring Recruitment Consultants to join our team, so check out our website or LinkedIn for the open roles and get in touch with us!


Dutch windmills

Dutch phrases and idioms

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Sayings or proverbs are phrases that have been passed down from generation to generation and have a hidden moral or teaching. We have made a small compilation of our favorite Dutch proverbs translated to English and their meanings and origins.

fishing port of Flushing

Things to do in Vlissingen

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What if we told you that the Netherlands also has beautiful coastal towns? We would like to give you a guide to a city with a maritime history that goes back a few centuries: the harbour city of Vlissingen! One of the only towns in the Netherlands with an English Translation: Flushing.

Mircea & Simona

Success Story: Mircea and Simona Part I

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We want to celebrate the leap of faith our professionals take when trusting us to come to the Netherlands and Germany for a new opportunity. A leap of faith is exactly what brought the two protagonists of our success story Mircea Vartan and Simona Vartan to Hamburg, Germany. This will be a two part story so stay tuned for the continuation!