Extraordinary recruitment by Shaunna Campher

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Recently Middle Point hosted its annual new year’s event to celebrate the start of 2020.


een grote jacht op zee

Blending Elegance and Practicality in Yacht Design

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What came first, the design or the functionality? Being able to combine these two is a constant tug-of-war for yacht designers. We bring you 4 excepcional yacht that integrate visually engaging designs and fulfill practical requirements.

success story of interior design engineer

Success Story: Witold

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Witold Jakubowski moved to the Netherlands to work as a Senior Interior Engineer at Royal van Lent Shipyard. Since his move, Witold has embraced The Netherlands' walkable and cycle-friendly infrastructure. Want to know more about his story? Make sure to continue reading!

Mircea & Simona

Success Story: Mircea and Simona Part I

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We want to celebrate the leap of faith our professionals take when trusting us to come to the Netherlands and Germany for a new opportunity. A leap of faith is exactly what brought the two protagonists of our success story Mircea Vartan and Simona Vartan to Hamburg, Germany. This will be a two part story so stay tuned for the continuation!