Success Story: Mircea and Simona Part II

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Taking the leap

Several years ago, Simona was working for a French company branch in Bucharest for which she had to travel to France often. She met a colleague there that would talk wonders about Hamburg (Germany). Mircea and her partner would buy tickets for a concert in Hamburg and find the city as wonderful as her colleague had described it. Little did they know that in that same summer, Simona would be approached by a recruiter from Middle Point!

Even though they were hesitant at first, especially because they had recently bought an apartment back in Romania, Middle Point made a good case by offering both with good job opportunities in Hamburg. They decided to take the leap and 7 years later they are still in Germany!

Working for AMC

Simona works as a File Zone Coordinator for H Beck systems. At her job she is responsible for file zones (every ship is divided into file zones). More specifically, she is responsible for air conditioning. Her first job in the naval industry was back in 2006, for which she was incredibly lucky to start a path in since it’s an industry she enjoys a lot.

She is the most enthusiastic about being able to witness the impact of her work when she goes on sight. She mentioned having visited a shipyard in Papenburg and feeling like she was part of something big, she gets to feel the impact and it feels positively overwhelming and empowering. She gains energy from seeing this result.

The expat life in Hamburg

What she likes about Germany the most is that everything is fair and correct. There are no double meanings and surprises. She finds the people to be warm and welcoming! On top of that, she feels very taken care of, especially for matters like pregnancy care, health, and the educational system.

Her advice for anyone relocating? Just go for it! Embrace the multi diversity that comes from being surrounded by diverse cultures.

However, one thing she will always remain to do is making a list of food she loves when going back to Romania!

Read Part I of this Success Story Here 


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